

Law School Rolling Admissions

How does it work and is it a good thing?
Tags: admissions, getting into school
Apr 2, 2023

Overview and why you might care about rolling admissions 

Nearly every ABA Accredited law school uses rolling admissions. 

Exactly how it works isn't perfectly cut and dry, but in general rolling admissions is when schools look at applications and make decisions as they come in. The school will accept (and waitlist) candidates until they have determined that they have given out as many acceptances as they are going to and then no one else will be admitted. 

Since schools like to keep their class size consistent, law schools may accept people late into the admissions cycle once accepted students have decided to go elsewhere, or if fewer great applicants than the AdCom thought would apply ended up applying late in the cycle. These acceptances typically are students who were on the waitlist.

Law schools use rolling admissions, but what does that mean?

In (most) college admissions, you have to send in all your application documents by a certain date — usually in late December or January — and the school won’t look at your application until after the deadline. If they do look at your packet before the deadline, you won’t get preferential treatment for submitting 1 month vs 1 minute early. 

With rolling admission, you can send your application over a longer time, like six months, and the school looks at applications as they get them.

Then, law schools send out their decisions about who they will accept on a rolling basis. These AdCom (admission committee) decisions typically happen in Waves. Schools will choose students until all the spots for the new class are taken. Law schools with rolling admission often start taking applications around September 1 and keep going into early in the spring term. Some schools have deadlines as early as January, and some go as late as the middle of the summer.

The Best Things About Rolling Admission

For proactive applicants, the fact that law schools use rolling admissions can be really helpful. Rolling admissions tends to benefit students who apply early in the admissions cycle. Successful applicants to top tier law schools tend to apply close to the opening date for admissions vs the deadline. 

The benefits of rolling admissions include: 

  1. You Might Have a Better Chance of Getting In
  2. You Can Send Your Law School Applications at Different Times
  3. You Can Have an Easier Last Year of School

You Might Have a Better Chance of Getting In

At least if you apply early.

While you still need a good application that meets what the law school wants, applying early in a rolling admissions cycle — when there are still a lot of open spots — can make it more likely for you to get in.

You Can Stagger Your Law School Applications

Students can use the big application period that comes with rolling admission to not have to apply to a bunch of law schools all at once. (although many do). They can plan the application process by first applying to law schools at the top of your list or those that open first, and then you can apply to the law schools later opening dates or deadlines.

By spreading out the law school application process over a few months, you'll have more time in the late summer to early winter to finish up all your applications.

You Will Hear Back Earlier than Would Otherwise be the Case

Law schools look at applications as they get them, so you'll probably get an answer about whether you got in faster than if you law schools didn’t use rolling admissions. Applying in the fall to law schools with rolling admission lets you know if you've been accepted much earlier, so you don't have to worry and wait as long. You will still have to wait. Making the wait a little easier is why we made LSData in the first place. 

Unfortunately, there is no counterfactual for this claim because all law schools use rolling admissions and some applicants will wait longer than others. 

The Worst Things About Rolling Admission

While rolling admission has some great things, students should also know about the bad things about applying to law schools with this way of doing things.

Spots Can Get Taken Fast

Because applications are looked at as they come in, students who wait until late in the application time might have a harder time getting one of the spots left. A student who can get in but waits until the last minute to apply might be more likely to not get in, so it's better to not wait too long to send in your application.

Rolling Admissions Means a lot of pressure to apply early

Some law schools with rolling admission, have important deadlines that may not even be shared. Law schools may pay more attention to students who send their applications before a certain date. 

Because of the lack of transparency around law school admissions, it is really hard to know if applying early is actually helpful, and if it is, how helpful. So the way most applicants handle the unknown is to put a lot of pressure on themselves to apply as early as possible. This pressure to apply early can make for a lot of stress around getting in apps early and trying to figure out how many times to take the LSAT when you think you can get your score up, but the application is already open. 

Related Articles

  1. How Much do Lawyers Make
  2. Law School Admissions Reddit
  3. Timeline for Applying to Law School
Windsor MIT '22, Harvard College Advisor

I am the half of LSD that didn't take the LSAT, or go to law school (Sorry about that). But I did go to MIT business school while surrounded by law students and lawyers, so I am somewhat qualified to talk about the intricacies of law school apps and finances.

Windsor (the dog) didn't write this but he WAS a Resident Tutor and career advisor at Harvard College with me, so deserves some credit.


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cause then it gets them thinking and being like oh yeah! maybe a copy of this awesome essay or brief or something u did is something I want to refresh myself on
oo I like that language, I do want to share material with them but didn't want to force it
right - make them come to the conclusion on their own haha
gotta make sure the recs are shiny to help admin overlook the lsat lmao
that 3.98 is very nice tho
but I understand! my stats were below both medians and so I knew how important my recs were
Id like to think so until I start seeing 4.0+ w a bunch of 175+ lol
right im trying to control everything else I can knowing I'll be below most of my schools medians
well the 3.98 won't!
you'll be a splitter and can and will succeed!
appreciate that big time !
good luck!
thank you! How'd your cycle go?!
it is still going haha
I am on 8 WLs currently spanning from Stanford to Vandy!
WL are hidden gems, sending positive vibes that your hear from some soon!
so writing my LOCIs for the schools I would drop everything to go to and will restart LSAT prep around memorial day weekend for reapplying!
thanks so much!
I will say it does suck to be strung on this long into the process and not really know for sure if youll hear from the school youre hoping to hear from
Guarantee you'll get good news in the middle of restaring prep and wont need to reapply! I look at WL as a good sign the school likes you and saw great potential but something in the numbers isn't helping their 509 and they just need to figure out how to squeeze in to fit the report ;)
that is a very kind and optimistic outlook!
keep that as you go through the process - I share a similar perspective, but throughout it all, it can be challenging to keep up the smile when things may not go the way you planned! hopefully all of your dreams come true and you don't have to worry about that tho!
Totally hear ya, it's tough out there but always gotta find a way to stay grounded!
Vanderbilt youre killing me
Vandy feeler are u kidding where is the damn wl movement
vanderbilt more like vanderballs
vanderbilt more like vandernobitches
classic 💀
any idea why ,my lsac academic summary has no cumulative gpa lol
@nycbestcloser: less than 60 credit hours
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